December 25, 2015

Экспериментальная программа на АРЕАЛ и ДЕЛЬТА 2016

На конкурс заявок, об’явленный ИСИ “КЕНДЛ” на проведение экспериментальных исследований на АРЕАЛ и в ДЕЛЬТА в течение периода январь – июнь 2016, было подано более 20-и заявок от различных научных групп, занимающихся исследованиями в областях материаловедения, наук о жизни, ускорительной и лазерной техники.

АРЕАЛ (AREAL – Advanced Research Electron Accelerator Laboratory)- это 5 МэВ ускоритель с лазерной пушкой для генерации точных ультракоротких (субпикосекундных) электронных пучков. ДЕЛЬТА (DELTA- Dedicated Experimental Lines for Time Resolved Analysis) – лаборатория со станцией двухфотонной лазерной микроскопии и станцией микротехнологии.

После рассмотрения заявок в экспериментальную программу на АРЕАЛ и ДЕЛЬТА 2016 были приняты следующие проекты:


  1. New radiation-resistant materials InAs-GaAs for producing devices functional in space and other radiation environments, Ferdinand Tavadze Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Georgia
  1. Development of Radiation-resistant Semiconductor Materials on the Basis of III-V Semiconductors InP and InAs, Institute of Materials Research, Tbilisi State University, Georgia
  1. Study of Non-Equilibrium processes in Silicon Crystals Under Influence of Sub-picoseconds Electron Beams, Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia
  1. Study of the Effect of Cosmic Space Factors on the Characteristics of Thermo regulating Coatings Using 5 MeV AREAL Electron Beam, Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia
  1. Laser Method of the ZnO Films Surface Structuring to Create Items of Transparent Electronics, Institute for Physical Research, Armenia
  1. Electroluminescent Heterojunction Based on ZnO Nanorods and Nanotubes for Transparent Flexible Electronics, Institute for Physical Research, Armenia
  1. Scintillators for next-generation calorimeters, Institute for Physical Research, Armenia                                         

Науки о жизни

  1. Modulation of F-actin by a microtubule depolymerizing drug colchicine, Institute of Molecular Biology NAS RA, Armenia
  1. Changes in LPS stimulated monocytes phenotype during in vitro cultivation, Institute of Molecular Biology NAS RA, Armenia
  2. The mechanisms of oxidative stress in the pathology of ischemic stroke, Institute of Molecular Biology NAS RA, Armenia
  1. Changes in LPS stimulated monocytes phenotype during in vitro cultivation, Institute of Molecular Biology NAS RA, Armenia
  2. The study of technogenic factors effects to the soil microbial population, Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia
  1. The study of Pseudomonas bacteria self-luminescence in wild cereals, Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia
  1. Investigation of lactic acid bacteria and yeast interaction at a joint fermentation for obtaining biologically active preparations, Institute of Biotechnology, Armenia
  1. Investigation of the electron beam radiation intensity impacts towards erythrocytes membranes functional characteristics in vitro and in vivo, Scientific Centre of Radiation Medicine and Burns, Armenia
  1. The study of xenobiotics at the AREAL accelerators, CANDLE SRI, Armenia


Ускорительные и лазерные технологии

  1. The diffraction gratings record on the optical fiber by femtosecond laser, Yerevan State University, Armenia
  1. Super-continuum Generation for Femtosecond Pulse Compression and Spectral Solitonic Compression, Yerevan State University, Armenia
  1. Femtosecond Optical Oscilloscope, Yerevan State University, Armenia
  1. The improvement of AREAL RF Modulator performance, National Polytechnic University , Armenia

Коллектив “КЕНДЛ” придает большое значение исследованиям и ожидает плодотворного сотрудничества.