German-Armenian Student Course on Accelerator Physics October, 2024

For the full list of photos of German-Armenian student course-2024, please follow this link.


An internship in advanced accelerator physics at the CANDLE Institute in Armenia is offered with the support of PIER, DESY, and the Hamburglobal funding program. The internship is carried out in small mixed teams of German and Armenian students. It will replace one of the 4 experiments of the UHH Advanced Practicum in Physics (PHY-FP).

During a one-week stay, each team will perform one out of 8 experiments offered at the AREAL accelerator (CANDLE SRI). AREAL is an ultrafast laser-driven electron accelerator that produces extremely short relativistic electron pulses using high-frequency electric fields.

Students will perform experiments across a wide range of accelerator physics and techniques.

In addition to the acquired important skills, the students will experience the significance of international cooperation and personal contacts. The course is to be conducted in English and is expected to be held on October 05-12, 2024.

For more information on the German-Armenian Student Course on Accelerator Physics, you can visit our previously conducted Course 2022.

The corresponding report on the Student Course which was held in September-October 2019 can also be found in the March/April issue of CERN Courier.

Contacts in Germany:

Prof. Wolfgang Hillert

Prof. Joerg Rossbach

Contacts in Armenia: 

Dr. Bagrat Grigoryan

Dr. Armen Grigoryan