Coordinator– Dr. Bagrat Grigoryan
AREAL (Advanced Research Electron Accelerator Laboratory) is the laser driven RF gun based 20 MeV electron linear accelerator project aiming to produce small emittance ultra-short electron beam pulses for advanced experimental study in the fields of novel accelerator concepts, new coherent radiation sources and dynamics of atomic and molecular processes.

AREAL project is considered as the first phase of CANDLE synchrotron light source creation in Armenia. The basic approaches to the CANDLE project first phase implementation in accordance with the recommendations of international experts are identified as following:
- Small Facility + Limited Investment
- State-of-the-Art Facility
- Test Facility for Advanced Accelerator Concepts
- Multiple Application in Advanced Fields
- Advanced Training and Educational Center
- Management According to the World Standards
- Usage of the Institute Infrastructure
- Utilization of the Existing RF Equipment
The completion of the AREAL project with long term experimental program will be a scientific and technological asset for the country, scientific community and the institute, that will lead to the formation of a team with experienced scientists and engineers capable to design, construct and operate state-of-the-art accelerator facility.Parameters
First Results of Machine Operation. 1-30 May 2014

Beam charge at straight FC

Beam transverse profile on straight YAG station. rms sigma(x,y)=0.6mm

Beam profile at spectrometer YAG station E=3.7Me