June 25, 2024

Ultrafast Beams and Applications (UBA 24) International Conference: Collaborate, Innovate, Accelerate

UBA 24 which was organized by the CANDLE SRI in partnership with the DESY (Hamburg) and INFN (Italy) from 17 to 23 June 2024 has successfully ended.

UBA biennale is started to take place since 2017 at CANDLE SRI and it provides a platform for discussing the progress made over the last years in Ultrafast Beams, Accelerator Concepts, Radiation Sources and its Applications in Live and Material Sciences. During the one-week workshop the researchers from Italy, Germany and local institutes present new accelerator projects, advanced concepts and techniques, propose a path forward for the future with a special focus on the Accelerator Physics. For the first time this year researchers from Great Britain and Kyrgyzstan also took part.