The ultrafast laser micro-processing station

Project description:

The ultrafast laser micro-processing station at CANDLE SRI is an integration of a high-performance workstation for sample 3D positioning/motion and a highly stable, femtosecond laser system. Combined with a sample motion and pulse-parameter control units and software, the station represents an entire lab on an optical table for diverse scientific and R&D applications. A range of laser and scanning parameters can be varied to select among different types of the material treatment: selective material removal, laser-induced modification of chemical, electronic and optical properties, ablation-deposition, two-photon polymerization, etc. Depending on the material and the treatment type, micron and sub-micron feature sizes can be achieved in hole-drilling, cutting, surface patterning and in-volume writing in transparent materials.

Particular fields of expertise of the Group include:

  • High-precision patterning of soft and inorganic surfaces, micromachining of microelectronics and optoelectronics parts;
  • Surface and 3D (in-volume) direct laser writing of complex patterns in glasses and other transparent materials for optical and photonics applications;
  • Two-photon polymerization and precision fabrication of hybrid organic/inorganic polymer structures for micro-optics and optoelectronics applications.
  • High-power laser beam shaping and guiding devices and components;
  • Diffraction gratings and waveguides;
  • Surface patterning of metals, semiconductors and dielectric glasses and crystals with sub-micron resolution;
  • Bio-compatible and liquid-crystal alignment polymer microstructures;
  • Prototypes of functional devices
  • Infrared (1030 nm) and visible (515 nm) ultrashort-pulse lasers with widely tunable parameters;
  • 50-nm sample/beam positioning accuracy.
  • Selection of laser scanning trajectories and modes (arcs, lines, etc.)
  • PC-control of laser and scanning modes and parameters;
  • Input of pre-designed patterns in various file formats, full programmatic control and real-time monitoring of the fabrication process;
  • Direct writing of structures in/on glasses and transparent crystals without the need for further chemical treatment;
  • Smooth and uniform modification of optical properties with sub-micron resolution
  • High-precision, sub-micron resolution surface processing due to the reduced laser-heated zone;
  • Tailoring the performance of polymer structures to application-specific requirements; producing complex 3D shapes with submicron-scale features on rigid or flexible, flat or curved substrates;
  • Processing (scanning) speeds up to 5mm/sec
  • Laser scanning dimensions XYZ: 100x100x4(25) mm programmatic (manual);
  • Sample weight: up to 1 kg.
  • Research
  • Manufacturing/realization
  • Prototype
  • Service/operation/use 

Contact person:

Dr. Arsham Yeremyan, PhD


Head of Photon Beams and Optics group

Phone: +37498817264