November 14, 2021

Presentations by CANDLE Young Scientists

A presentation session was organized at CANDLE with the participation of young scientists of the Institute who spoke about the ongoing activities and the achievements in the reporting period. The speakers are from the following […]

November 8, 2021

The President of Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeyev visits CANDLE

On 06 November 2021 the delegation of Russian Academy of Sciences headed by its President Academician Alexander Sergeyev, as well as together with Academician Nikolai Makarov (RAS Vice-president), Academician Arutyun Avetisyan (Deputy President of RAS), […]

September 27, 2021

5th European Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop

CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute officially became a member of the European Network for Novel Accelerators EuroNNAc in 2018 during the ALEGRO 2018 Workshop which was held in Oxford, UK. This year the 5th European Advanced […]

September 1, 2021

“Frontiers in Optics & Photonics” is at CANDLE

CANDLE Institute was very pleased to welcome the participants of the 6th international school “Frontiers in Optics & Photonics” (FOP-2021). The International School unifies young scientists working in different fields of optics and is organized […]

July 18, 2021

Application of Two-Photon Microscopy for Qualitative and Quantitative Studies of Oxidative Stress in Human Living Erythrocytes

The research group headed by Dr. Gohar Tsakanova has published the results of the application of two-photon microscopy in the study of oxidative stress in human living cells in the Biological Journal of Armenia NAS […]

June 18, 2021

Installation of a New Fluorescent Microscope at CANDLE SRI

The ZEISS Axio Observer Research Inverted Microscope from Carl Zeiss Microscopy has been installed at CANDLE and now is in full operation. The installation of the fluorescent microscope has been performed by a Carl Zeiss engineer, […]

June 10, 2021

Celebrating International Day of Light at CANDLE

On 09 June CANDLE team was happy to organize the annual event “Illumination of the Unknown” within the celebration of the International Day of Light initiative, which is devoted to the memory of the founder […]

May 28, 2021

CANDLE Reopens its Doors for Visits

After a whole year of lockdown, CANDLE Institute is happy to reopen its doors for scientific and educational visits. A tour was organized to the research laboratories of magnetic measurements, electron-scanning microscope, ultrahigh vacuum technologies, […]

May 17, 2021

Appointment of CANDLE SRI Director

On May 12, during the regular meeting of CANDLE Board of Trustees, the election and the appointment of CANDLE SRI Director was held. The Deputy Director on Accelerator Department of CANDLE Institute Dr. Bagrat Grigoryan […]

April 28, 2021

Student workshop at CANDLE

A mini workshop was organized and held at CANDLE with the participation of young scientists of the Institute who presented and discussed the ongoing activities. The presenters highlighted activity tasks and outlooks of the scientific […]

April 13, 2021


A new modern Planetary Mill PULVERISETTE 6 has been obtained from FRITSCH Company. The experimental possibilities of the pulverisette will widely be used in the fields of Materials Science, Micro-/Nano- Science, other scientific disciplines and will […]

April 9, 2021

Hirair Hovnanian passed away

It is with deep sorrow we learn that the head of “Hirair and Anna Hovnanian Foundation”, founding member of the Hayastan All Armenian Fund, and a close friend of CANDLE Institute Mr. Hirair Hovnanian passed […]

March 15, 2021

Open Competition for the Position of CANDLE SRI Director

Application deadline has expired CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute announces an open competition for the position of CANDLE SRI Director   Requirements for the candidates: RA citizen of up to the age of 65 years, At […]

March 19, 2021

Installation of a new scanning electron microscope at CANDLE SRI

The Zeiss Evo 10 scanning electron microscope (SEM) has been installed at CANDLE and now is in full operation. CANDLE team highly appreciates the Grant by “Hirair and Anna Hovnanian Foundation” which allowed to obtain […]

January 23, 2021

Condolence letters

Dear Colleagues, CANDLE Institute and Vasili Tsakanov’s family have been receiving a great number of letters of condolence ever since the irreversible loss of the professor. Friends and colleagues from Armenia and all over the […]

January 12, 2021

Prof. Vasili Tsakanov passed away

It is with deep sorrow we inform that on January 11, at the age of 61, Director of CANDLE SRI, prof. Vasili Tsakanov passed away. V. Tsakanov began his scientific career at Yerevan Physics Institute […]

December 18, 2020

European Synchrotron Light Source Workshop

On 16-17 December 2020 the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (Grenoble, France) organized the online 28th European Synchrotron Light Source Workshop (ESLS). ESLS workshop is an annual event designed to give the synchrotron community the opportunity […]

December 16, 2020

Ultrashort Electron Beams in Cancer Cells Study

Despite the pandemic outbreak of COVID-19 in the world and the corresponding restrictions, the experimental research at AREAL was not interrupted and new scientific results have been obtained for currently running international projects. In the […]

December 14, 2020

Prof. Hrant N. Yeritsyan passed away

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Professor Hrant Yeritsyan (27.03.1937 – 14.12.2020), an outstanding scientist in the field of experimental solid state radiation physics and the founder of the laboratory […]

December 12, 2020

Superradiant Cherenkov–wakefield radiation

The development of advanced particle radiation sources in THz frequency range is one of the promising areas of cooperation between German and Armenian scientists in the field of accelerator and beam physics. The results of […]

September 17, 2020

Prospective Cooperation with Partner University

The one-year cooperation between Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi and “CANDLE” Synchrotron research institute is summarized. The main goal of this cooperation is to support the proper implementation of the grant program “Scientific-Educational […]

August 26, 2020

“Transferring V4 expertise in knowledge/technology transfer” Project

CANDLE SRI, in cooperation with ASUE (coordinator, Armenia), TSU (Georgia), SUT (Poland), TUKE (Slovakia) and Masaryk University (Czech Republic) has been approved for funding of “Transferring V4 expertise in knowledge/technology transfer” project under Visegrad + […]

June 27, 2020

Ultrafast Irradiation Effects in Semiconductors

The latest experimental results of ultrafast irradiation effects on semiconductors obtained by the research team headed by Prof. Hrant Yeritsyan have been published in a high rating (Impact Factor 2.1) Elsevier journal “Radiation Physics and […]

June 10, 2020

New Measure for Human Aging

The research group headed by Dr. Gohar Tsakanova has published the results of the application of two-photon microscopy in the study of human aging in the high rating “Biomedical Optics Express” (Journal of Optical Society […]

June 9, 2020

International Day of Light 2020 at CANDLE

On June 9, the annual celebration of International Day of Light was held at CANDLE Institute. The event was organized online due to COVID19 pandemic outbreak. The annual event “Illumination of the Unknown” was devoted […]