September 10, 2015

New Developments at the Mechanical Workshop

The new modern Computer Numerically Controlled Vertical Milling Machine (HAAS Automation Inc., USA) has recently been installed at the Mechanical workshop of the CANDLE SRI. Along with the new Thread-Turning machine, the new installations will highly […]

August 4, 2015

AREAL New High-charge Operation Mode

On 03 August 2015 the team led by Dr. Bagrat Grigoryan reached new high-charge operation mode for the AREAL RF photogun: bunch charge – 650 pC, electron beam energy – 4.8 MeV, pulse repetition rate […]

July 8, 2015

The study of protein gland extract protection effects

In the framework of the project “Development of natural anti-aging compounds”, the research group from the Institute of Molecular Biology (NAS RA) has conducted another experiment at the two-photon laser scanning microscopy station of DELTA […]

May 27, 2015

Defense of PhD Thesis on Accelerator Physics

On May 26, Tigran Vardanyan has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “The Study of Wiggler and Undulator Radiation Effects in Electron Accelerators” at the 024 Professional Council of the Yerevan Physics Institute. Under the […]

May 20, 2015

Study of Scintillators on AREAL for the next-generation calorimeters

Recently the experimental program of Scintillators study for the next-generation calorimeters conducted by the Institute for Physical Research of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (Ashtarak) has successfully started on AREAL facility. The project leader […]

May 18, 2015

New developments for AREAL control system

The new development for the Control system of AREAL laser driven RF gun electron linear accelerator will be based on the state-of-the-art Micro Tele-Communication Computing Architecture (µTCA) technology. Recently, the µTCA modules for the AREAL […]

April 27, 2015

Generation of optical vortices using the glass based grating microstructure

The experimental results on generation of optical vortices using the glass based microstructure gratings produced at DELTA Microfabrication station have been discussed during the visit of Dr. Vahagn Gharibyan (DESY, Germany) to the CANDLE SRI. […]

April 22, 2015

YSU students visit AREAL

The students of Nuclear Physics Department of YSU Physics Faculty have visited the CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute. They got acquainted with the AREAL laser driven linear accelerator and the DELTA laboratory’s experimental stations on micro-fabrication […]

April 20, 2015

A new laser delivery scheme for AREAL facility and DELTA laboratory

The CANDLE Photon Beam & Optics group has designed and successfully implemented a new laser beam delivery scheme, which allows to simultaneously operate the two-photon laser scanning microscope with either AREAL laser driven electron linac […]

April 14, 2015

Patents for new engineering solutions

The new developments on the AREAL facility design and construction have resulted on a number of innovative solutions in accelerator engineering. The group of CANDLE PhD students in accelerator technology ( Vahagn Vardanyan, Artur Gevorkyan […]

April 9, 2015

The Study of Ferroelectric Nanofilms at AREAL

The research group from the National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA) headed by Dr. Norair Martirosyan (Chair of Microelectronics and Biomedical Devices, Faculty of Cybernetics, NPUA) has successfully started a long term experimental program on […]

April 3, 2015

The study of peripheral blood erythrocytes using two-photon microscopy

The research group from the Institute of Molecular Biology (National Academy of Sciences of RA) successfully demonstrated the use of Eosin as a fluorescent dye to image the peripheral blood erythrocytes using two-photon microscopy at […]

April 2, 2015

News from Microfabrication station of DELTA laboratory

Using the 2nd harmonics of the “S-pulse” laser (a green light with wavelength of 515 nm) the CANDLE team of physicists headed by Tigran Sargsyan has successfully produced the long period (10 micrometers) grating on […]

March 16, 2015

The wide bandgap ZnO semiconductors study by multi-photon excitation microscopy at DELTA

The research group from the Institute for Physical Research (National Academy of Sciences of RA) headed by Dr. Ruben Ovsepyan, successfully demonstrated the usage of DELTA laboratory multi-photon excitation microscopy in their study of the […]

March 12, 2015

New phenomena in radiation defect formation of Silicon crystals

The research group from Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory (Yerevan Physics Institute) headed by Prof. H. Yeritsyan reported about the new experimental results on the AREAL accelerator within the framework of the project “Study of Electro-physical […]

March 5, 2015

Presentation of the first Experimental Results on AREAL facility

The research groups from the Department of Genetics (Biology Faculty, Head Prof. Rouben Aroutiounian) and the Department of Molecular Physics (Physics Faculty, Head Prof. Eva Dalyan) of Yerevan State University have presented the first experimental […]

February 18, 2015

The first Experimental results on AREAL facility

The first experimental results of DNA comets – human cultured cells with damaged DNA obtained on the AREAL facility. The experimental study is performed within the project “Study of Molecular-genetic Effects of Ultrafast Radiation” headed […]

December 26, 2014

Experimental program 2015 at AREAL facility

The experimental program at the AREAL facility is gaining momentum. Following the State Committee of Science 2014 User Proposal Call for experimental research on AREAL facility five proposals have been accepted in the fields of […]

November 14, 2014

Meeting with University Experimental Groups

The first meeting with the scientists from the Molecular Physics (Prof. E. Dalyan) and Genetics (Prof. R. Aroutiounian) Departments of Yerevan State University (YSU) took place at CANDLE. Since December 2014, they will start long-term […]

November 13, 2014

Representatives of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Representatives of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe visited CANDLE. Guests got acquainted with the CANDLE project, AREAL facility and DELTA experimental stations. The highlights of the new facilities and their impact on the […]

November 10, 2014

CANDLE Board Meeting

Тhe meeting of CANDLE institute Board of Trustees headed by the Honorary President of the Board, RA President Serzh Sargsyan took place on 10th November 2014. Board members and guests got acquainted with the status […]

October 31, 2014

Open Days for Students 21-31 October 2014

During the last decade of October, Open Days for Students of Armenian universities were organized to invite them visit the main research facilities of CANDLE Synchrotron Research Institute. Students from the Yerevan Medical State University, […]